The Services with IPv6 Working Group (WG-Serv-IPv6) will carry out activities and projects with a more applicative approach at the service layer, following the previous IPv6 Working Group (WG-IPv6), continuing with advice activities of other issues, helping with the habilitation and deployment of IPv6 services and applications of CLARA network (RedCLARA) and in the participating NRENs.
3.1. Task 01 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase1”
3.1.1. Task Responsible: Azael Fernández Alcántara (UNAM-CUDI)
3.1.2. Task Description: Consist on enabling IPv6 in the current applications and services in RedCLARA to serve as a reference for the following tasks, afterwards to invite and program activities in conjunction with the national networks to carry out similar actions.
3.2. Task 02 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase2 - Web Services”
3.2.1. Task Responsible: Andrés Ernesto Salinas Duarte (RENATA-Colombia)
3.2.2. Task Description: Consist on trying to enable IPv6 in the main Web server of the participating NRENs.
3.3. Task 03 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase3 - DNS Services"
3.3.1. Task Responsible: Daniel Bellomo (Argentina) y Claudia Inostroza (REUNA-CL) Participants: RENATA
3.3.2. Task Description: Consist on trying to enable IPv6 in the main DNS server of the participating NRENs.
3.4. Task 04 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase4 - Mail Services"
3.4.1. Task Responsible: María Cervantes (RAU-UY)
3.4.2. Task Description: Consist on trying to enable IPv6 in the main Mail server of the participating NRENs.
Later from other NRENs or interested entities.
* Andrés Ernesto Salinas Duarte - RENATA - CO
1. Videoconference.
2. Face to face meetings.
3. Virtual meetings.
4. Wiki.
5. Mailing List.
6. Several collaboration tools.