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General Information


  • 1. Enable and deploy of IPv6 in the main services and applications of RedCLARA.
  • 2. Enable and deploy of IPv6 in the main services and applications of the participating NRENs.
  • 3. Write best practice documents.
  • 4. Provide recommendations for the IPv6 use to the NEG, NOC and the NRENs.
  • 5. Propose IPv6 adoption mechanisms to the CLARA NRENs.
  • 6. Liaising with other IPv6 working groups, chapters and forums.
  • 7. Coordinate common activities with the other WGs of CLARA.
  • 8. Coordinate activities with the NOC and NEG

Reference Terms of the WG:

1. WG-Serv-IPv6 Description:

The Services with IPv6 Working Group (WG-Serv-IPv6) will carry out activities and projects with a more applicative approach at the service layer, following the previous IPv6 Working Group (WG-IPv6), continuing with advice activities of other issues, helping with the habilitation and deployment of IPv6 services and applications of CLARA network (RedCLARA) and in the participating NRENs.



Tasks List:

3.1. Task 01 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase1”

3.1.1. Task Responsible: Azael Fernández Alcántara (UNAM-CUDI)

3.1.2. Task Description: Consist on enabling IPv6 in the current applications and services in RedCLARA to serve as a reference for the following tasks, afterwards to invite and program activities in conjunction with the national networks to carry out similar actions.

3.2. Task 02 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase2 - Web Services”

3.2.1. Task Responsible: Andrés Ernesto Salinas Duarte (RENATA-Colombia)

3.2.2. Task Description: Consist on trying to enable IPv6 in the main Web server of the participating NRENs.

3.3. Task 03 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase3 - DNS Services"

3.3.1. Task Responsible: Daniel Bellomo (Argentina) y Claudia Inostroza (REUNA-CL) Participants: RENATA

3.3.2. Task Description: Consist on trying to enable IPv6 in the main DNS server of the participating NRENs.

3.4. Task 04 “CLARA Challenge IPv6 Phase4 - Mail Services"

3.4.1. Task Responsible: María Cervantes (RAU-UY)

3.4.2. Task Description: Consist on trying to enable IPv6 in the main Mail server of the participating NRENs.

Initial Members:

   * Members of CUDI, RENATA, RENIA, REUNA.

Later from other NRENs or interested entities.

   * Andrés Ernesto Salinas Duarte - RENATA - CO

Working way:

1. Videoconference.

2. Face to face meetings.

3. Virtual meetings.

4. Wiki.

5. Mailing List.

6. Several collaboration tools.